Combatting Gun Violence With The White House and 16 Big City Mayors

Slingshot led the communications strategy for The White House's Community Violence Intervention Collaborative (CVIC), which worked with mayors in 16 of the largest cities across the country to build real public safety infrastructure and move CVI to the forefront of the public safety agenda.

Slingshot played a critical role in promoting and amplifying CVIC’s innovative training and technical assistance (TTA) program for local CVI groups to help them build solid organizational infrastructure, develop a sustainable and diversified funding base (including federal grants), optimize the use of data and technology, and expand the scope, scale, and impact of their ongoing CVI work. We helped CVIC shine a light on its first-of-a-kind certification program on the best practices, standard operations, procedures, and protocols of street outreach and violence interruption for non-traditional CVI practitioners like former gang members and returning citizens.

Our Impact:

  • CVI has been increasingly embraced by mainstream reporters and is being championed by mayors across the country.

  • Reporters nationally and in all core jurisdictions have been thoroughly educated over many months so that CVI can celebrate its win with less fear of backlash.

  • Reporters who were skeptical many months ago are notably less so—with a clear decrease in negative stories about CVI groups and practitioners since our work began.

  • Highlighted coordination and peer exchanges within and across jurisdictions to provide opportunities for local CVI groups to learn from one another and build relationships with other public safety stakeholders, including law enforcement.

  • Worked with the White House to bring together mayors, community experts, philanthropic leaders, and other key stakeholders for joint learning on lessons, best practices, and innovations.

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